วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Turn Me On Lyrics

Norah Jones - Turn Me On Lyrics

Like a flower waiting to bloom
Like a lightbulb in a dark room
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on

Like the desert waiting for the rain
Like a school kid waiting for the spring
Im just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on

My poor heart it's been so dark
Since you've been gone
After all you're the one who turns me off
You're the only one who can turn me back on

My hi-fi is waiting for a new tune
My glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on
Turn me on
The rhythm of this song is slow and it is jazz style. If you try closing your eye and listen carefully, you probably feel calm and relax as I do. I have heard this song for the first time at a piano concert. A woman was singing this song together with the sound from grand piano she has played. The hall was in dark and quiet. There are just only one soft light on the stage, to the singer. Every sound she has made was powerful and perfect. Everything seems to be at the right place and time. At the end of the play, all of the audiences clap for her wonderful show. For me, I was very impress as my eyes filled with tear and my hand can’t stop clapping. “Wonderful! It is very beautiful”, I said to myself.

Not only the rhythm, I also like the meaning of this song. It talks about waiting and loneliness. The easy words and the slow rhythm of this song make it easy to understand and feel along with.

This song sings about a woman, who is feeling sad.
She sings to her lover.
She said compare herself with many thing that’s waiting.
She is waiting for her lover, who gone away from her life.
And she hopes he will come back in some day.
Which she can’t do anything unless, waiting alone.
She sings “My poor heart it's been so dark since you've been gone”
It shows how she feel went her lover gone away and that feeling of cause she sings this song. She feels really sad with a lonely hearth since her lover was gone away.

Her lover must be the most important for her hearth, which can get her to be like this.

“After all you're the one who turns me off you’re the only one who can turn me back on”
And however he is who close her hearth. So he is only one who can open her hearth again too. She sing this song be full of her wish.

For this her lover, she must really love him from her hearth
Now, as the chance come, I am very happy to present this song to all of you with a little hope that you will like it as I do.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550


My parent’s opinions
My parents think a lot of me, about my life. They think about my friends, friendship is very important thing for every life. Every people have friendships and it’s important for me too. But my parents always said friend just to by a friend, is not myself and I be still me until I die. My friends can change, my parents can change, everything can change and I can change too. But although everything changes, everything that I do be stills my mine.

In now society, my parents think it has a lot of bad things. In fact, in one society must has good things and bad things but in now, the bad things are increasing more than the good things. Such as the bad side of internet, fashion, popularity etc.
So, when I go on in the public of big society my parents always told me, that I must be careful when do everything.

About the popularity in school, at RA school my parents don’t worry a lot because they know many teachers and my friend’s parents in this school. They can know about me at school every times if they want.

I think everything that my parents do, it happens because they love me. Almost of their thinking are stories about me [not at all but almost]. I know that so I always imitate them. But sometimes that my opinion is not like my parent’s thinking, such as for some situation I think I know that and I don’t understand that why I parents always talk about that. But i just know that's because of love from them.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


"How do you feel when you do something special or important?"

When I must do something that is really important with someone, I always fidget and I am not confident in myself. I always fear to do something wrong. And I always feel bashful.

I think I feel that because in my life is nothings that impotent always and I have really simple life.

The feeling of everyone maybe different because for each person must have each idea. And the thing that is important or special things always different too.

In my example I always nervous, when I must be presenter of the present in the public. I feel every people look at me and they send spirit to me. That is the pressure for me. I think I must do my best and try to do that never has something wrong. Because I think in my example, my present, the looks of me that will show who my background are. If I do something really bad that mean someone of audience maybe think my back in bad side. It is not good.

However I think the wrong is not wrong. Everyone can wrong and it is the simple thing in the life. That is mean everyone can wrong and everyone can be correct. So in my life, I can be that too.

But the feeling of nervous, bashful or miss the confident always perhaps in our heart. If we think that our doing is the special or important things with our heart. And try to do my best.


“Young people today”
Now is 2007, everywhere we can see people of every age. Most people are teenagers who you can see always. Everything is changing. The child growing, up to be a teenager and going to be leader that never changes but the things that are changing is what people do. Especially about teenagers, now teenagers had effect from several places around the world, everything that had all the good things and the bad things. Maybe the problem of the society is when teenagers cannot choose the good things for themselves.

Now in Thailand, Thai teenagers trend is J-pop and k-pop, which it comes from Japan and Korea, that Thai teenagers call “Ab-beaw”. Do you like it? Personally, I think it is not the good thing at all but it is not the bad things at all too.
Some teenager group a gang to dance in a competition that I think it is a good idea. It is good activity when they have free time. However, some groups of teenagers group in a gang for dress and shopping which they do it because they think when they dress and use them parent's money for shopping, they can be trendy teenagers. I think they should not do this. Teenage is a time for study of teenagers life, which everyone should be interested, and look at that is the important thing.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


In my opinion, each country has a different culture. It maybe they have some things the same but certainly, there are some things different. Such as in the UK and the US they wear shoes in their house, that’s the same, but UK call somewhere for drinking a pub and US call that a bar, that’s usual.

I think every culture for each country always has identity such as the language. Thailand has our language that is really different from every country in the world. Although, it maybe resembles Lao language but it isn’t the same. In UK and US are being this same format too.

Now in this world, the meaning of culture for each country is really hard to explain because each culture is mixed with other cultures. In one country, we can see the identity of that country, that’s sure, but it’s not only that. We always see the culture from other countrys in their country. Such as Thailand, you can see the real Thai culture but you can see the culture from western country of this world too.

Certainly, for each culture there is good side and bad side. That is means we can’t decide if the culture for each country is good or bad. But it really is up to the personal opinion, which can be different.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


"what society expect of me"
In my life, I have many people around me, in this big society. I have 3 parts of my society. My family is the first society that I meet when I live at home and when I have weekends. But when I live at school I’ll meet another society that is a group of teachers and friends. And the third society is another place of my home and my school. I always do some things different when I live in different societies. The whole reason is that each society expects different of me.

In my family, I always receive the expectations that are rather free. Almost always my father and my mother don’t force me. They just want me to be a good person when I grow up, which I can be a good person of big society only. That means I can choose what I want to work or I want to learn, they always support me. Then I am really happy and I really love them so much. Sometimes I may be a bad young person but my parents always give me the chance. In their expectations for me thay never force me, however I agree to do, that can make me happy and my parents are happy too.

And when I live in school, I have expectations from myself always. It may look like a joke sentence but it is true. I always expect myself to be a good student. Certainly, my friends must want to be that too. Although, my teacher expects that I will be a student who can learn.If that stimulates me to learn, that’s good.

Everyone must have society another family and office, me too. When I have a weekend and go out of my house, I always meet different people and that make me must change some things I do.

For someone may receive more expectations from society than me, I think that's up to me. I can choose to do it or not.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


Hi, my name is Sompoi. Now I'm 15 years old. I live in Bangkok, Thailand.
I have never made any blog before. So this is my first blog. This is a part of my English lesson at my school. I am not an excellent student in English but I’ll try my best. This topic is "Describing my self".
Let's start with knowing my family. My family has 5 persons. My father is a very talented doctor. My mother is working in her own business. I have an elder brother and an elder sister. They are very lovely even though we are quite different in almost everyway. Start with my sister, now my sister is studying in a faculty of medicine at university. My brother is interested in sport, especially football and he is also interested in playing music. For me, I am interested in all kinds of arts. Even if we are so different, we always have a topic to talk to each other. If my family has seen this blog I want to tell them, that I love them very much.

My plan for the near future is to study in faculty of mass communication because I am interested in an art of communication. Not only communication by speaking. But I am interested in every kind of it including communication through music, painting, performing drama and motion picture in movie. Personally, I love to sing songs with my powerful voice, which my sister said is a noise. And I love playing music such as guitar, drum, piano and Thai fiddle. Anyway, I don’t have a gift for that, but a little skill and music appreciation is all I have.