วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


“Young people today”
Now is 2007, everywhere we can see people of every age. Most people are teenagers who you can see always. Everything is changing. The child growing, up to be a teenager and going to be leader that never changes but the things that are changing is what people do. Especially about teenagers, now teenagers had effect from several places around the world, everything that had all the good things and the bad things. Maybe the problem of the society is when teenagers cannot choose the good things for themselves.

Now in Thailand, Thai teenagers trend is J-pop and k-pop, which it comes from Japan and Korea, that Thai teenagers call “Ab-beaw”. Do you like it? Personally, I think it is not the good thing at all but it is not the bad things at all too.
Some teenager group a gang to dance in a competition that I think it is a good idea. It is good activity when they have free time. However, some groups of teenagers group in a gang for dress and shopping which they do it because they think when they dress and use them parent's money for shopping, they can be trendy teenagers. I think they should not do this. Teenage is a time for study of teenagers life, which everyone should be interested, and look at that is the important thing.

3 ความคิดเห็น:

-ShiKi- กล่าวว่า...
-ShiKi- กล่าวว่า...

Yes, I agree with you about everthing have good side and bad side, but I do not think so that the teenager cannot choose good things for themselves. In my opinion, certainly they can do it. I’m a teenager too and I can choose what is good for me. I think the problem is they just choose to do because they want to and it very dangerous if it is bad.

About “Ab-beaw” I think it is okay as long as it does not make society getting worse. Teenagers want themselves to look good likes Korean or Japanese people. But I do not like the way they dress, They wear sexy clothes and it makes them in dangerous, I agree that they should not use their parent’s money too. It is their clothes, they should buy it by themselves.

However, I did not compliant your opinion I think it is good. I just think in difference way from you.

oak_thai กล่าวว่า...

I think you have good topic to show in your blog because today teenager in Thai they must wear
Shirt or anything looks like Korean or Japanese person. I agree with Sompoi in her think because I
can see it in siam or central or everywhere have more teenager. I think if they do this and don’t have
effect for them life, they could do that but when they do that and they have effect for them life. I
think they mustn’t do that again because teenager must study hard not to do something to
have effect for them life.