วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


In my opinion, each country has a different culture. It maybe they have some things the same but certainly, there are some things different. Such as in the UK and the US they wear shoes in their house, that’s the same, but UK call somewhere for drinking a pub and US call that a bar, that’s usual.

I think every culture for each country always has identity such as the language. Thailand has our language that is really different from every country in the world. Although, it maybe resembles Lao language but it isn’t the same. In UK and US are being this same format too.

Now in this world, the meaning of culture for each country is really hard to explain because each culture is mixed with other cultures. In one country, we can see the identity of that country, that’s sure, but it’s not only that. We always see the culture from other countrys in their country. Such as Thailand, you can see the real Thai culture but you can see the culture from western country of this world too.

Certainly, for each culture there is good side and bad side. That is means we can’t decide if the culture for each country is good or bad. But it really is up to the personal opinion, which can be different.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

POON-Thai กล่าวว่า...

I agree with you that a countries have different culture, it may be has same. I think culture is up to the most people thinking in their country. Culture is something that the most people agree with. And
like to do it.
And I agree with you that, now the meaning of culture for each country is hard to know that which culture is in some country because now the culture was mixed by their people. The people think like if other countries have a good culture than their culture
they will change their culture to be other country’s culture.